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The client, an eCommerce platform that deals in Indian Ethnic Wear for women, wanted to build brand awareness, and reputation and drive sales and revenue growth.

Merlin offered its Social Media Marketing which included paid advertising to the client. After one year, Merlin has delivered 27X revenue growth, 6X sales growth, and 80k+ average monthly traffic.

ABout the client

Devatithi is an eCommerce platform that exclusively deals in Indian Ethnic Wear for women. Founded in 2020 by a young entrepreneur, Devatithi’s vision is to attain and consolidate the top spot in the Indian Ethnic Wear e-commerce space.

the challenge

As mentioned before, Devatithi had recently entered the Indian Ethnic Wear e-commerce scene. While they had a strong entrepreneurial sense and business model, they lacked the expertise to market the brand digitally.

Devatithi aimed to expand its reach, making its brand known to the target audience and driving sales and revenue growth. It was a classic set of requirements for an eCommerce client!

How did I help?

As per my experience, it was clear in terms of what needed to be done to achieve the core marketing objectives for Devatithi. After a brief discussion and brainstorming with the client, I offered them Social Media Marketing services along with Paid Advertisements and Promotions.

services offered:

Social Media Marketing

The Indian Ethnic Wear eCommerce space is highly competitive. Thus, reaching your target audience is quite a task. We created a buyer persona and crafted a social media marketing strategy based on it.

The two objectives here were to maximize brand exposure and use content and CTAs tactically to drive sales and revenue growth.

As part of our social media marketing efforts, we hosted giveaways and conducted contests to appear more active and appealing to target customers

Paid Advertisements and

The client needed to boost sales and revenue growth quickly. To deliver on this requirement we opted for paid advertisements to give the social media marketing efforts a much-needed boost during the initial months.

We used the same buyer persona to run a Facebook Ads campaign and promoted the best-performing social media posts for better reach.

Eventually, we managed to build a steady and substantial social media reach among the target audience organically!

The Results


We carried out the social media marketing operations aided by paid ads and promotions and here are the results we delivered:

the Growth

27X Revenue and 6X Sales

During the first 3 months of its operations, Devatithi managed to generate an average revenue of 4 figures per month.

After I took over the Social Media Marketing operations, Devatithi registered a 27X growth in terms of revenue and 6X growth in terms of sales.

Devatithi has generated average revenue of 6 figures from May to December 2021.

the Traffic

80K+ Average Monthly

Devatithi has witnessed substantial growth in terms of organic reach. Especially among the target audience.

The accuracy of buyer persona is evident from the revenue growth. Moreover, 15% of the customers are returning customers.

Additionally, I was also able to deliver 2X growth in conversions, 15X growth in sessions, and 5X growth in average order value.


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